Articles on: Gantt schedule / timeline

Gantt timeline / schedule

With CxPlanner's schedules, you can manage all the project activities.

Tasks in the Schedule

The individual tasks in the schedule are not just time periods; they represent tasks that can contain additional information.

This allows you to link various things to the tasks:
Floor plan location

This means that you can easily take a picture directly into the schedule from the construction site to show progress.

Schedule in CxPlanner

Create New Tasks

You can create new tasks in the schedule in two ways:
New task (creates a main task)
Right-click on an existing task and select "Create sub-task"

Create Folders and Directories

You can easily create new folders and directories. Grab the individual tasks and move them onto others (drag and drop).

Progress Modification

The progress of individual tasks can be modified by dragging the progress arrow or specifying the specific percentage in the task.

Quick Menu

Access the quick menu by right-clicking on a task.

Export the Schedule

You can export the schedule to PDF with various functions. You can choose to export the entire schedule or just a selected period.

When exporting, you can also insert a watermark, for example, "DRAFT."

Advanced Features

Several advanced features are available in the schedule, which you can access from the "Tools" button.

Custom filters and sorting
Critical path
Percentage progress scaled
Resource overview
Full screen

Updated on: 11/19/2023

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