Articles on: Files module

3D-model viewer

You can open and navigate 3D models from within the file module. When you open your 3D model, you can navigate it and use different tools:


IFC og Revit models

All users have automatic access to our IFC viewer. To access the Revit viewer on your projects, please contact our support.

Upload of 3D-models

When you upload a 3D model, CxPlanner will automatically start preparing it for online display. It can take between 10 seconds and 20 minutes, depending on how big the model is.

If the Revit module is activated on the project, you will receive an email when the file is ready for viewing.

How to open a 3D model

You will find the different models in the file structure. Simply open the model folder and click on the model you wish to view.

3D models in the file structure

Combine multiple 3D models

You can combine several 3D models at the same time - e.g. different subject areas. To do so, select the models you want to combine:

Combine multiple 3D-models

Updated on: 10/26/2023

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