Articles on: Files module

Folders and folderstruture

Folder Structure in the File Module

You can customize the folder structure for your project, just like in your file explorer. You can add, move, and delete folders.

Only users with the project roles Manager and Administrator can modify the folder structure.

Deleting folders: If you delete a folder, you will also delete all the files within that folder!

Edit Folder Structure

Open the Editing Tool

First, open the file module and then click on "Folder Structure".

Customize Folders

Now you can customize the folder structure.


If you right-click directly on the folders, you can add and modify folders, just like in Windows and MacOS.

Admin Checkbox

If your project role is Administrator, you can also activate the small checkbox. If you activate it, only the Administrator can modify this folder and grant access to it. Otherwise, users with the project role Manager will also be able to modify the folder.

Updated on: 01/22/2025

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