Upload of files
Upload Options
You can upload all types of files in CxPlanner, and you can upload many files at once.
We offer the following upload methods:
Upload 1 file at a time
Upload many files at once
Upload a ZIP file and automatically extract it
You can only upload if you have write permissions for the folder.
Upload Button
The upload button is visible if you have clicked on a folder that you have permission to upload to - otherwise, the button is hidden.
Upload Files
You can drag files into the upload box or click on the field in the upload box and choose files from your computer.
Once you have selected your files, simply press the "Upload" button.
Upload and Extract ZIP Files
If you add a ZIP file, a yellow information box will appear at the bottom. If you check the box, your ZIP file will be automatically extracted and all folders within it will be created and inserted into the folder structure.
Updated on: 10/10/2023
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