Add users to a project
The Different Project Roles
When you add a user to a project, they are assigned a Project Role. This role determines what they can do within the project—their permissions.
There are six main roles:
Admin: Can do everything in the project (change settings, delete the project, etc.).
Manager: Can add new users to the project, create tasks, and close tasks.
Consultant: Can create new tasks and close tasks.
Designer: Can create new tasks, reassign tasks, but only close tasks created by the user themselves.
Contractor: Can create new tasks, reassign tasks, but only close tasks created by the user themselves.
Observer: Can only view tasks.
Who Can Add Users to a Project
Only users with the Project Role: Administrator or Manager can add users to a project.
Adding Users
When adding users, there are two options:
Create a new user and add them to the project.
Add an existing user to the project.
The difference is that the latter requires the user to already be added to one of your other projects—it’s a quick addition from a dropdown list.
If the user has never had access before, you’ll need to create the user.
When adding a new user, you can specify the User Group—read more about it in the help article about user groups.
Add Users to the Project
To add users to the project, navigate to Project Settings --> Users. Here, you have the option to create a new user and add them or search for existing users.

Search for a User
When using the “search for a user” feature, you can add one or more users at once.

If you add multiple users at the same time, simply enter the email and name of each user you want to add to the project.

Create a New User
Here, you enter the email address of the person you want to add to the project. They will then receive an email in their inbox notifying them that they’ve been granted access to the project.

Updated on: 12/16/2024
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