Articles on: Files module

Advanced functions in file module

The file module contains a lot of advanced features. The headings below describe some of them.

Download files to ZIP

Select files and download to a ZIP file

You can select files in the file module and then download them to a ZIP file. Choose the files you want to download, then click "Menu" and select "Download to ZIP."

Download folders to ZIP files

You can download entire folders to ZIP files. Select "Menu" and then "Download Folders/Dirs." Now you can select exactly which folders you want to download as ZIP files.

3D models

Upload 3D models (IFC)

When you upload an IFC file, we automatically convert it to a 3D model that you can view in your browser. When it's uploaded, just give us a few minutes while we convert it.

3D models are automatically opened in our 3D viewer.

View multiple 3D models at once

If you have multiple 3D models in the file module, you can view them at the same time. For example, if you have one for electrical, plumbing, and architecture, select them all, choose "Menu," and then select "Combine 3D Models."

File functions

Move files between folders

You can easily move files between different folders. Select the file, right-click or select "Menu," and then select "Move File."

Delete files

You can delete files from the file module. Select the file, right-click or select "Menu," and then press "Delete."

View file details

You can right-click on individual files and see all file details, such as file size, format, versions, etc.

Administrator tools

File history overview

Every time a user opens, downloads, uploads, deletes, creates new versions, etc., it is saved in the log. As an Administrator, you can open the "File History" and see everything that has happened.

Access history

As an Administrator, you can open the "Access Log" and see exactly when a person has had access to a folder.

Updated on: 10/10/2023

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